Тег <col />

Этот тег определяет свойство для одного или нескольких столбцов в теге <colgroup></colgroup>.

Аргумент Значение
span value
width value

  • <!DOCTYPE html>
  • <html>
  • <head>
  •  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  •  <title>New Page</title>
  •  <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
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  • <body>
  •  <table>
  •   <colgroup>
  •    <col span="2" width="250" />
  •    <col width="350" />
  •   </colgroup>
  •   <tr>
  •    <th>Integration</th>
  •    <th>Vector Graphics</th>
  •    <th>Declarative Programming</th>
  •   </tr>
  •   <tr>
  •    <td>
  •     In today’s world, developing a Windows application may require the use of any number of different
  •     technologies, ranging from GDI/GDI+ for 2D graphics, UI services (User32 or WinForms), or Direct3D
  •     or OpenGL for 3D graphics. On the contrary, WPF was designed as a single model for application devel-
  •     opment, providing seamless integration between such services within an application. Similar constructs
  •     can be used for developing storyboard animation, data bound forms, and 3D models.
  •    </td>
  •    <td>
  •     To take advantage of new powerful graphics hardware, WPF implements a vector-based composition
  •     engine. This allows for graphics to scale based on screen-specific resolution without loss of quality,
  •     something nearly impossible with fixed-size raster graphics. WPF leverages Direct3D for vector-based
  •     rendering, and will utilize the graphics processing unit (GPU) on any video card implementing DirectX
  •     7 or later in hardware. In anticipation of future technology, such as high-resolution displays and
  •     unknown form factors, WPF implements a floating-point logical pixel system and supports 32-bit ARGB
  •     colors.
  •    </td>
  •    <td>
  •     WPF introduces a new XML-based language to represent UI and user interaction, known as XAML
  •     (eXtensible Application Markup Language—pronounced “zammel”). Similar to Macromedia’s MXML
  •     specification, within XAML elements from the UI are represented as XML tags. Thus, XAML allows
  •     applications to dynamically parse and manipulate UI elements at either compile-time or runtime, pro-
  •     viding a flexible model for UI composition.Following the success of ASP.NET, XAML follows the code-behind model, allowing designers and devel-
  •     opers to work in parallel and seamlessly combine their work to create a compelling UX. With the aid of
  •     design-time tools such as the Visual Designer for Windows Presentation Foundation add-in for Visual
  •     Studio 2005, the experience of developing XAML-based applications resembles that of WinForms devel-
  •     opment. Moreover, designers accustomed to visual tools such as Macromedia Flash 8 Professional can
  •     quickly ramp-up to building XAML-based solutions using visual design tools such as Microsoft
  •     Expression Blend. These tools are covered later in this chapter and throughout this book.
  •    </td>
  •   </tr>
  •  </table>
  • <script>
  •  $(document).ready(function () {
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  • </html>
  • <!DOCTYPE html>
  • <html>
  • <head>
  •  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  •  <title>New Page</title>
  •  <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
  • </head>
  • <body>
  •  <table>
  •   <colgroup>
  •    <col span="2" width="250" />
  •    <col width="350" />
  •   </colgroup>
  •   <tr>
  •    <th>Integration</th>
  •    <th>Vector Graphics</th>
  •    <th>Declarative Programming</th>
  •   </tr>
  •   <tr>
  •    <td>
  •     In today’s world, developing a Windows application may require the use of any number of different
  •     technologies, ranging from GDI/GDI+ for 2D graphics, UI services (User32 or WinForms), or Direct3D
  •     or OpenGL for 3D graphics. On the contrary, WPF was designed as a single model for application devel-
  •     opment, providing seamless integration between such services within an application. Similar constructs
  •     can be used for developing storyboard animation, data bound forms, and 3D models.
  •    </td>
  •    <td>
  •     To take advantage of new powerful graphics hardware, WPF implements a vector-based composition
  •     engine. This allows for graphics to scale based on screen-specific resolution without loss of quality,
  •     something nearly impossible with fixed-size raster graphics. WPF leverages Direct3D for vector-based
  •     rendering, and will utilize the graphics processing unit (GPU) on any video card implementing DirectX
  •     7 or later in hardware. In anticipation of future technology, such as high-resolution displays and
  •     unknown form factors, WPF implements a floating-point logical pixel system and supports 32-bit ARGB
  •     colors.
  •    </td>
  •    <td>
  •     WPF introduces a new XML-based language to represent UI and user interaction, known as XAML
  •     (eXtensible Application Markup Language—pronounced “zammel”). Similar to Macromedia’s MXML
  •     specification, within XAML elements from the UI are represented as XML tags. Thus, XAML allows
  •     applications to dynamically parse and manipulate UI elements at either compile-time or runtime, pro-
  •     viding a flexible model for UI composition.Following the success of ASP.NET, XAML follows the code-behind model, allowing designers and devel-
  •     opers to work in parallel and seamlessly combine their work to create a compelling UX. With the aid of
  •     design-time tools such as the Visual Designer for Windows Presentation Foundation add-in for Visual
  •     Studio 2005, the experience of developing XAML-based applications resembles that of WinForms devel-
  •     opment. Moreover, designers accustomed to visual tools such as Macromedia Flash 8 Professional can
  •     quickly ramp-up to building XAML-based solutions using visual design tools such as Microsoft
  •     Expression Blend. These tools are covered later in this chapter and throughout this book.
  •    </td>
  •   </tr>
  •  </table>
  • <script>
  •  $(document).ready(function () {
  •   $("table").css("border-collapse", "collapse").css("border", "solid 1px");
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